introduction post

 Hello everyone, Cosmin again,

I want to write this because I want to tell you why I sign up for the computing science at Du Montfort University in Leicester.

First of all, the main reason is that I think is a good opportunity to change my life and Du Montfort University can help me whit this. From a young age, I was having a passion for computing and this university will help me.

At DMU I will study Computing Science whit foundation Year. You may ask why foundation year, because I`m a student from abroad, and English is not my first language, and  I`m trying to do my best at this!

In this course, I`m most interested in programming languages like PHP, HTML, CSS, and JAVA, because I want to be creative and start to build websites and this language can help me whit this.

After finishing DMU, I want to work in the domain, I want to improve myself, I want to grow in this environment or maybe I will create my own business, but  I`m not sure yet.

In ten years I see myself STILL working and learning in this domain because is evolving continuously...

Thank you 
