Main idea

Web Developer

A web developer is a person who creates and maintains websites, they also are responsible for the site`s technical aspects, such as the capacity (which is the measure of a website), the performance, speed, and how much traffic the site can take.

Web development is the process of programming a website, which involves regulating HTML code creation stages, adding scripts and functional components. The developer's role is to create the necessary infrastructure for providing optimal functionality for a website. Web developers use encoding technologies, the JavaScript programming language, and various text editing programs in their work.(Ostroushko, 2022)

The client-side in web development is referring to everything in a web application that is displayed and takes place on the end-user device, also the server-side refers to operations that are performed by the servers in client-server over relationships in computer networking.

On the internet, many languages can be used as tools for web development such as MySQL(which is a database management system), HTML (the abbreviation comes from hypertext markup language which is a most of the time used to design web pages), Javascript (is one of the programming languages that is the core technologies of the world wide web, alongside HTML ), PHP ( which is a general-purpose scripting language).(HostGator ,2022)

The most useful tools are LAMP, WAMP, MAMP, Visual Studio, and PHP Storm. LAMP( Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) is an ideal setting for a good high-performance web application. The following image is showing every part of LAMP.
Nowadays is very easy to host a website, the most important thing is to decide what kind of website I want to build: Static(basic) or dynamic. To be more specific about the type of websites, I will write the difference between static and dynamic. A static website is a simple website whit one or more web pages called HTML pages. A dynamic website contains information that may change, depending on the time of day, the viewer, and other facts.(Sanity, 2022)

The most important aspect after finishing the website is a URL(uniform resource locator). You can visit a domain name registrar such as GoDaddy, key in the domain you want to buy, and pay monthly a fee to host that website.

I`m thinking as being a web developer is a very good opportunity to use your knowledge and creativity to build and create.

Reference :

HostGator,2022. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 27 April 2022].
Sanity, 2022. What is a static website? Connect your CMS to a Static Site in 3 steps. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 May 2022].
Ostroushko, A., 2022. Recent Achievements and Prospects of Innovations and Technologies. Available at :<The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (>[Accessed 1 May 2022]


  1. An extra paragraph will be useful here.

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    Wikipedia is an unreliable source for academic writing.

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