My story / My passion

Hi there and I welcome you to my page ;).

My name is Cosmin Radu Cretu and I am from Romania ... Nice to meet you! 

From a young age, I was having a computer,my father buy it for me when I was 6 years old and of course, I was only using it for playing Prince of Persia.

With time passing, my perspective on computers starts to change in a good way ( I may say). That is why when I was starting the high school in Romania I was studying electronics and automatics. The years passed and my interest in this domain was growing like crazy in Web Developer but unfortunately,  I was not able to go further whit my passion...

After finishing high school I started working for money ... I was so unhappy for not following my passions.

Years passed and now I`m in the UK ( of course for work), but something changed here ... I was able to work and study at the same time, so this year I make a big step forward (and in the right direction I may say ) and I sign up for computing science at University Du Montfort University.

During this period, the most important thing for me will be to study hard and get a degree in what I like.

The moral of this story, if you already are here and I just not bore you out is ... DONT LOSE YOUR DREAM and WORK for it ... and sorry about THAT :)))

Thank you, Cosmin here ;)
