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Java has gained remarkable popularity since its introduction. Java has stronger and powerful advantages than the rest of the programming language. Java is easy to learn and use. Java is a versatile language that can complement almost any application. Java is smooth and portable compared to other programming languages. Java has become the main language for providing solutions and answers to the world's Internet. (Vats, 2022) This programming language was designed to be more approachable for those who are familiar with C++. C++ and Java both implement the object-oriented paradigm, which means that they allow programmers to create and use objects to manage and control the behaviour of individual pieces of code. (Interviewbit, 2022)

The main difference between C++ and Java is that Java is a compiled language while C++ is both compiled and interpreted. Compilers and interpreters take human-readable code and convert it to computer-readable machine code. In a compiled language, the target machine directly translates the program. In an interpreted language, the source code is not directly translated by the target machine. (Lecessi, R., 2019) The C++ compiler converts the source code into a form the computer can understand, and this can vary depending on the platform on which the code is being run. Java source code is converted into bytecode by a compiler, and then the Java interpreter executes this bytecode at runtime to produce output. (Shiotsu, 2022) The fact that Java is interpreted means that it can be run on a variety of different platforms, making it a versatile language. C++ is a versatile programming language that is great for beginners to learn the basics or fundamentals of object-oriented programming. There are many areas where technology can help improve efficiency and performance. For example, in gaming engines and high-frequency trading, among others. C++ is the most suitable language for high-performance applications. (Isocpp, 2022)
