
Showing posts from April, 2022

Computing Ethics

Computing Ethics Ethics is a set of moral principles that govern the behaviour of an individual or group of people. Computer ethics is the application of moral principles to the use of computers and the internet. Examples include privacy policies, intellectual property rights, and online etiquette or "netiquette".(Christensson, 2022) Not many people not about Computing Ethics, but today I`m trying to explain one of the ten Computing Ethics that are out there. And that rule sounds like this: Thou shalt not use a computer to steal: Using a computer to break into the accounts of a company or a bank and transferring money should be judged the same way as robbery. It is illegal and there are strict laws against it. Nowadays, most applications and websites, are having a monetization part, to make a long story short, most of them are selling services, and this brings people, who want to steal. But is not only money, this includes data as well, data that could be sold after for a bi

Gantt chart


Second idea

Cyber Security Computer security, IT security, or cybersecurity is the protection of computer systems and networks from information disclosure, theft of, or damage to their hardware, software, or electronic data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.  At the moment there are 3 types of storing data: cloud-base, server-based (also known as hyper-convergent), and traditional. Cloud computing is the availability of computer system resources, especially data storage and computing power, without direct active management by the user (remote control from anywhere, whit only one condition, access to the internet). Cloud computing, at the moment, is in 4 types: private clouds, public clouds, hybrid clouds, and multi-clouds. But out there, are also 3 main cloud computing services, for example, Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), Platforms as a Service (PaaS), and the last one is Software as a Service(SaaS). Cloud computing is just as safe as using an on-sit

Main idea

Web Developer A web developer is a person who creates and maintains websites, they also are responsible for the site`s technical aspects, such as the capacity (which is the measure of a website), the performance, speed, and how much traffic the site can take. Web development is the process of programming a website, which involves regulating HTML code creation stages, adding scripts and functional components. The developer's role is to create the necessary infrastructure for providing optimal functionality for a website. Web developers use encoding technologies, the JavaScript programming language, and various text editing programs in their work. (Ostroushko, 2022) The client-side in web development is referring to everything in a web application that is displayed and takes place on the end-user device, also the server-side refers to operations that are performed by the servers in client-server over relationships in computer networking. On the internet, many languages can be used as

Software/Hardware Skills

 Software/Hardware skills A software developer is a person concerned with facets of the software development process. Developers are working to make software for the entire world to use. Firstly, in the past, I was using Word for making essays, and PowerPoint for presentations in high school. After finishing high school, I was getting a job in a company named ZIPPER Romania( I don't know if is still active now)  where  I was starting working whit CRM (Customer relationship management) a software that  keeps track of the client in a database. Secondly, I was getting skills in using industrial scanners, I was printing on large-scale invoices, bills, and paperwork. In particular, I try to make a game in JAVA, but I don`t have the experience and the knowledge to do that ( this is one of  the reasons why I`m studying Computing ) At the moment, I`m in the United Kingdom and I start a job one year ago in a warehouse. In this warehouse, I`m loading trailers for lorries and I`m using a mach

introduction post

 Hello everyone, Cosmin again, I want to write this because I want to tell you why I sign up for the computing science at Du Montfort University in Leicester. First of all, the main reason is that I think is a good opportunity to change my life and Du Montfort University can help me whit this. From a young age, I was having a passion for computing and this university will help me. At DMU I will study Computing Science whit foundation Year. You may ask why foundation year, because I`m a student from abroad, and English is not my first language, and  I`m trying to do my best at this! In this course, I`m most interested in programming languages like PHP, HTML, CSS, and JAVA, because I want to be creative and start to build websites and this language can help me whit this. After finishing DMU, I want to work in the domain, I want to improve myself, I want to grow in this environment or maybe I will create my own business, but  I`m not sure yet. In ten years I see myself STILL working and l

My story / My passion

Hi there and I welcome you to my page ;). My name is Cosmin Radu Cretu and I am from Romania ... Nice to meet you!  From a young age, I was having a computer,my father buy it for me when I was 6 years old and of course, I was only using it for playing Prince of Persia. With time passing, my perspective on computers starts to change in a good way ( I may say). That is why when I was starting the high school in Romania I was studying electronics and automatics. The years passed and my interest in this domain was growing like crazy in Web Developer but unfortunately,  I was not able to go further whit my passion... After finishing high school I started working for money ... I was so unhappy for not following my passions. Years passed and now I`m in the UK ( of course for work), but something changed here ... I was able to work and study at the same time, so this year I make a big step forward (and in the right direction I may say ) and I sign up for computing science at University Du Mont